Black Lives Matter and March For Our Lives

The march for our lives shares similar grass-roots origins as the civil rights movement does. The children leading the march for our lives lacks the ability to vote due to their age and don’t have nearly the same amount of resources than the massive institutions they’re fighting. Similarly, blacks during the civil rights movement were …

“The (MLK) only made one fallacious assumption: In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent has to have a conscience. The United States has no conscience.” -Stokely Carmichael

The methods used by Martin Luther King’s followers relied on the law and social code of the american public. Ideally, the protest would change the minds of white people by proving that blacks were not violent as many were led to believe and forcing average people to converse with blacks. Unfortunately, most citizens and police …

Black Lives Matter Protest

The Black Lives Matter protest in Nashville, Tennessee was sparked over the shooting of Daniel Hambrick. The main controversy of the case was the fact that, like many other police killings, Hambrick was running and facing away from the officer, making the use of lethal force unnecessary. Also, his corpse was left unattended and unaided …

What The Civil Rights Movement Accomplished

The Civil Rights movement accomplished much since its humble beginnings. Jim Crow laws that formerly oppressed the progression of blacks through legal means were dismantled by the NAACP. Overall racism all throughout the united states has decreased dramatically. Many of the places where blacks would have been in physical danger just sixty years ago are …

Black Teenager In The Civil Rights Movement

Black teenagers during the civil rights movement had little opportunity for employment. Due to white employers having bias’ and the lack of black owned businesses to hire young black people was low because of the preventing blacks from gaining wealth. Lack of job opportunity meant a lower household income than the vast majority of white …